
Call Centres

Streamline call management and provide better customer experiences with our automated, customisable solution.

Talk to an Expert


Access to contextual call and online data empowers your consultants to better serve customers.



Our flexible platform allows you to quickly scale up agents and add new call workflows.



Match customers with the right consultant based on product knowledge, skills or custom logic.

Customer service focus

Smart workflows

Smart workflows

Build better relationships and streamline operations with precision call workflows that put power in the customer’s hand. With smart call routing you can direct customers to the team specialising in the product they’re looking for, or help them to complete self-serve transactions with minimal effort.

Customer insights

Customer insights

Clix & Calls Analytics provide the data you need to understand what drives every customer interaction and conversion. Granular, real-time data is accessed in one intuitive dashboard with detailed performance data across calls, conversions and operations.

Streamlined operations

Streamlined operations

Clix & Calls’ interface empowers your staff to initiate and manage customer interactions within one streamlined dashboard. With access to contextual customer data at their fingertips, the result is more efficient and focused conversations and task completion.

Service review and safety

Service review and safety

Call recordings enable you to review calls to coach staff and improve customer service techniques. Recordings are encrypted to ensure you meet compliance requirements and avoid misrepresentation. Importantly, you’ll also be able to monitor call quality to identify negative calls and re-engage customers.

Improve customer experience and productivity by connecting customers to the right people.

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